The earth is in the grip of a never-ending slide doe to global warming. Entire species are likely to be lost - even man himself, as this catastrophe continues and bites. And bite hard it will. Except, there are others that would have us think differently.
Global warming experts tell us that there will be floods and famine, disease and death across the whole of the earth. Western economies and social structure will be torn and devastated and life as we know it will cease to exist in the way we know it. It is all pretty depressing.
The reality seem s to be that predicting climatic change is an exact science. In fact, far from it being a science dating back to the 19th century, it is a new boy on the block and therefore unproven no matter what you say. The earth has both heated up and cooled before and is constantly moving away from the sun and therefore the overall effect will be a sense of cooling, not heating.
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The Arctic ice has shown evidence of dwindling and this is confirmed by satellite and other clever pictures and images, but this, again, is not new and several polar bears and seals have lost their habitat and lives over the many centuries that the earth has been around.
Climactic scientists have only, at maximum, 50 or so years of data to really base their assumptions (commonly known as "predictions") on. This is not enough. 2 million year's worth would be better but, of course, dinosaurs did not have the capacity to develop, erect and monitor satellite stations and neither did they have the wherewithal to keep accurate manual records of the weather. They would have eaten polar bears rather than saved them which is a shame because the current dinosaurs (aka: climactic scientists) have not really shown the effects of their supposedly superior intelligence and material wealth.
So we remain no better off. In fact it could be argued that we are worse off as the threat of global warming, and man's influence on it, is making us stress and confused. However, at least it sells newspapers and gives scientific jobsworths a living wage.
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